Everyone is looking for a way to get rich of adsense. Well, truthfully it takes a little luck with the seach engines and a decent amount of start time. I havn't exactly, "hit rich" with it yet, but every day I see my earning increasing, and that makes me very happy.
What I do.
1. Use Blogger - Blogger is the easiest in my opinion to set up and manage daily posts, and position your HTML/Adsense ads.
2. Write as much as possible. Atleast a post a day, try to get 30 posts a month, every post is another keyword that could be found in a seach engine on that topic.
3. Submit your blog to bloglists and different things.
4. Make sure your titles include things that would be a common search term, not something super complicated.
5. Have patience, it will come with time and when you get link on the first page of google you will see your page views go WAY up.
Lord Ahune the Frost Lord in World of Warcraft has just been included into the game with the new festival. He drops some very nice items, and not bad looking either.
Europe's take on America's nextpresident? - Scripps News NECNEurope's take on America's next president?Scripps News, DC - 5 hours ago the most obvious case is global climate change, since the greatest increases in CO2 emissions in coming years and decades will come overwhelmingly from ...As president?, McCain or Obama will Face Significant National ... U.S. News %26 World ReportChallenges Await nextpresident? On Day 1 CBS NewsComment by David McCuan Assoc. Professor, Sonoma State UniversityNew York Timesall 432 news articles
Choosing the Right blog? Theme for you A blog? theme is a big decision, so I'm not suggesting that youmake price your number one factor in determining what you buy, but you need to know if you have the possibility of buying a premium theme, paying for a custom design, ...
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ObamaGirl switches to McCain! The ObamaGirl will soon be switching to McCain and his 3R economic plan! Smart Girl knowing she can't be trashy all of her life.. She will need a job and John McCain will have one lined up.
Phil's Forecast: US Presidential Election '08 The Election was even worse than expected as they finished #2 in OH and FL and were outgained by 35 electoral votes with the campaign basically giving up down the stretch. That 2004 campaign was –31 in red state turnover and lost NM. ...
Cisco Secure Firewall Services Module (FWSM) Cisco Secure Firewall Services Module (FWSM) is designed to help understand how the FWSM functions and the differences between it and the PIX. It also helps you through the design, configuration, implementation, and administration of ...
ObamaGirl switches to McCain! The ObamaGirl will soon be switching to McCain and his 3R economic plan! Smart Girl knowing she can't be trashy all of her life.. She will need a job and John McCain will have one lined up.
Issue 220 - The Web 2.0 Side Of Traffic Exchanges I mentioned last week about how I thought a traffic exchange could even be considered a Web 2.0 type of site. You see, it fits the bill. It’s user generated content, the members decide what goes into it and there is the potential of a lot of communicating between members. Traffic Era really got a lot of folks thinking when they launched about the massive potential these programs could have, if they embraced the 2.0 way of doing things. This week I Love Hits took it one step further and introdu
Oops? there goes another Obama Promise? ABC’s Political Punch this morning: In a web video to supporters — “the people who built this movement from the bottom up” — Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, announced this morning that he will not enter into the public financing system, despite a previous pledge to do so. “We’ve made the decision not to participate in the public financing system for the general election,” Obama says in the video, blaming it on the need to combat Republicans, saying “we face opponents who�™ve become masters at
I May Hate His Politics%26hellip; I must confess, even though I find Barack Obama to be an intellectual lightweight with a resume thinner than Kate Moss, I have to admit that his website is absolutely the best campaign site ever devised. It makes me not a whit more likely to vote for him, and it doesn’t make up for his appalling lack of substance, but I’ll give damnation by faint praise where damnation by faint praise is due.
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WorldofWarcraft: v2.4.2 Patch Notes - Warcry.com Warcry.comWorldofWarcraft: v2.4.2 Patch NotesWarcry.com - 13 hours agoThe patch notes for the latest update, v2.4.2, have been released by WorldofWarcraft developers. It's a huge list of changes that you can read below: ...
Contrary to Senator Barack Obama’s claim that he never heard his pastor Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. preach hatred of America, Obama was in the pews last July 22 when the minister blamed the “white arrogance” of America’s Caucasian majority for the world’s suffering, especially the oppression of blacks
Senator Obama has sought to separate himself from his pastor’s incendiary remarks, issuing a statement Friday rejecting them as “inflammatory and appalling” but failing to renounce Wright himself for his venomous and paranoid denunciations of America.
In his press release, Obama claimed, “The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity [United Church of Christ] or heard him utter in private conversation.”
Appearing on cable news shows this past weekend, Obama claimed when he saw recent videos that have Wright making such comments as “God damn America,” he was “shocked.” Obama implied that the reverend had not used such derogatory language in any of the church services Obama attended over the past two decades.
If Obama’s claims are true that he was completely unaware that Wright’s trademark preaching style at the Trinity United Church of Christ has targeted “white” America and Israel, he would have been one of the few people in Chicago to be so uninformed. Wright’s reputation for spewing hate is well known.
In fact, Obama was present in the South Side Chicago church on July 22 last year when Jim Davis, a freelance correspondent for Newsmax, attended services along with Obama.
In his sermon that day, Wright tore into America, referring to the “United States of White America” and lacing his sermon with expletives as Obama listened. Hearing Wright’s attacks on his own country, Obama had the opportunity to walk out, but Davis said the senator sat in his pew and nodded in agreement.
Addressing the Iraq war, Wright thundered, “Young African-American men” were “dying for nothing.” The “illegal war,” he shouted, was “based on Bush’s lies” and is being “fought for oil money.”
Obama’s most famous celebrity backer, Oprah Winfrey began attending Wright’s church in 1984. Last year, Newsmax magazine reported that Winfrey abruptly stopped attending years ago, and suggested that she did so to distance herself from Wright’s inflammatory rhetoric. She soon found herself a target of Wright, who excoriated her for having broken with “traditional faith.”
The Reverend Wright’s anti-white theology that Senator Obama expressed surprise over is evident on the church’s website. The site says the congregation subscribes to what it calls the Black Value System, which is described as a disavowal of “our racist competitive society” and the pursuit of “middle-classness.” That is defined as a way for American society to “snare” blacks rather than “killing them off directly” or “placing them in concentration camps,” just as the country structures “an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons.”
“In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01,” Wright wrote in the church-affiliated magazine Trumpet four years after the attacks. “White America and the western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ‘disappeared’ as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.”
The Relationship Unravels
Senator Obama now is attempting to minimize his long and close relationship with the controversial minister.
On Friday, John McCain’s campaign distributed a Wall Street Journal op-ed “Obama and the Minister” written under my byline based on my reporting for Newsmax going back to early January of this year.
The op-ed included details of a sermon Wright gave at Howard University blaming America for starting the AIDS virus, training professional killers, importing drugs, shamelessly supporting Israel, and creating a racist society that would never elect a black man as president.
Obama’s campaign quickly responded to the Wall Street Journal op-ed, posting a statement on the Huffington Post. In his statement, Obama acknowledged that some of Wright’s statements have been “inflammatory and appalling.”
Saying he strongly condemns Wright’s comments, Obama continued, “I categorically denounce any statement that disparages our great country or serves to divide us from our allies. I also believe that words that degrade individuals have no place in our public dialogue, whether it’s on the campaign stump or in the pulpit. In sum, I reject outright the statements by Rev. Wright that are at issue.”
Again, Obama moved to narrowly distance himself from specific comments Wright had made, while still praising his minister in recent interviews for leading him to Jesus and preaching a “social gospel.”
Obama went on to claim that he first learned about Wright’s controversial statements when he began his presidential campaign. But this assertion conflicts with the fact that just before Obama’s nationally televised campaign kickoff rally on Feb. 10, 2007, the candidate disinvited Wright from giving the public invocation.
At the time, Wright explained: “When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli” to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, “a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.”
According to Wright, Obama then told him, “’You can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.’” Still, Obama and his family prayed privately with Wright just before the presidential announcement.
Apparently Obama never foresaw Wright’s sermons making national television or becoming a sensation on YouTube. But lending graphic detail to the saga, ABC News and other networks began running a 2003 sermon in which Wright said, “The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible, for killing innocent people … God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”
Obama has described Wright as a sounding board and mentor. Wright is one of the first people Obama thanked after his election to the Senate in 2004. Obama consulted Wright before deciding to run for president. The title of Obama’s bestseller “The Audacity of Hope” comes from one of Wright’s sermons. Obama’s “Yes We Can!” slogan is one of Wright’s exhortations.
Apologists for Wright have said that what he says is normal in black churches, and many blacks claim such preaching cannot be understood by whites.
“If you’re black, it’s hard to say what you truly think and not upset white people,” the New York Times quoted James Cone as saying. Cone is a professor at Union Theological Seminary and the father of what is known as black liberation theology.
But Juan Williams, a Fox News commentator and author of “Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America,” tells Newsmax that Wright’s sermons reflect “the victim mindset that is so self-defeating in the black community and one that is played on by weak black leadership that chooses to have black people identified as victims rather than inspiring them as people who have overcome. In posing as victims, they say the most prejudiced and vicious things, not only about whites but about America. They call it theology. In fact, it’s nothing but bigotry.”
In failing to condemn Wright himself and claiming that he was unaware of the preacher’s hate-filled speech, Obama is continuing a longstanding pattern
Obama often refers to Wright as being “like an old uncle, who sometimes says things I don’t agree with.” Wright is not Obama’s “uncle” — a person born into a blood relationship — but a man he has cultivated for decades as a close friend, mentor and adviser.
After Newsmax broke the story on Jan. 14 that Wright’s church gave an award to Louis Farrakhan in December for lifetime achievement, Obama again sought to denounce his minister’s action without criticizing Wright himself.
Like Wright, Farrakhan has repeatedly made hate-filled statements targeting Jews (calling Judaism a “gutter religion”), whites, and America. He has called whites “blue-eyed devils” and the “anti-Christ.” He has described Jews as “bloodsuckers” who control the government, the media, and some black organizations.
After the Newsmax story, Obama issued a statement purportedly addressing the issue.
“I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan,” Obama said.
Again, Obama was careful not to condemn Farrakhan himself or Wright who had spoken adoringly of Farrakhan and put their church behind the award to the controversial Nation of Islam leader.
“When Minister Farrakhan speaks, black America listens,” Trumpet quoted Wright as saying. “His depth on analysis [sic] when it comes to the racial ills of this nation is astounding and eye-opening. He brings a perspective that is helpful and honest.”
Obama adroitly said, “I assume that Trumpet magazine made its own decision to honor Farrakhan based on his efforts to rehabilitate ex-offenders, but it is not a decision with which I agree.”
In fact, Trumpet is published by Wright’s church using the church’s offices. Wright’s daughters serve as publisher and executive editor.
Having gotten away with sidestepping Wright’s adoring comments about Farrakhan, Obama told Jewish leaders flatly in Cleveland on Jan. 24 that the award was because of Farrakhan’s work with ex-offenders. To date, no news outlet has pointed out that Obama’s claim is false.
Having gotten away with sidestepping Wright’s adoring comments about Farrakhan, Obama told Jewish leaders flatly in Cleveland on Jan. 24 that the award was because of Farrakhan’s work with ex-offenders. To date, no news outlet has pointed out that Obama’s claim is false.
On Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes on Friday, Obama said he would have quit the church if he had “repeatedly” been present when Wright made inflammatory statements. He was not asked why he did not quit the church when it gave an award to Farrakhan.
Having considered Wright a friend and mentor for two decades, Obama now often mentions that his pastor recently retired. Wright suggested to the New York Times last year that he and Obama might have to do something of a distancing act in the run up to the election.
If Barack gets past the primary, he might have to publicly distance himself from me,” Wright was quoted by The New York Times. “I said it to Barack personally, and he said, ‘Yeah, that might have to happen”.
White Christian Supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan has endorsed Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States of America.
Speaking from his Kentucky office in Dawson Springs, the Imperial Wizard exclaimed that anything or anyone is better than having that “crazy ass bitch” as President.
This is the first time in Klan history that any member of the KKK has ever publicly supported an African American candidate for any elected office.
KKK lodges all over America have been gathering and holding rallies supporting the black presidential candidate.
Grand Turk Cletus Monroe has also been very vocal about the election and has donated thousands of dollars to Obama’s election fund.
“The boy’s gonna do it. My Klan group has donated up to $250,000 to the Obama fund”. “A few years back we were lynching negroes. Now we’re gonna vote for one to be president of the US of motherfucking A, damn it!
Placards for Barack Obama have been put up around the Klan’s Headquarters and the KKK have announced a television ad campaign to support the African American candidate.
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the words “Obama” and “Messiah” used in the same sentence. To liberals, Barack Obama is a spotless god-like figure who will save America from the scourge of neo-conservatism. I’m totally sick of hearing and reading your hero-worshiping crap, folks. Let’s face reality: like so many other powerful politicians in this country, Barack Obama sucks:
1. The Race Card: Whether it be in suggesting that anyone who doesn’t vote for him because he is black is probably a republican, or in blaming Bush administration racism on a slow response to Hurricane Katrina, Obama is quite comfortable playing the race card
2. Anti-Indian: After the Obama campaign released a paper disparaging other candidates for their ties to the Indian-American community, the chairman of the bipartisan US India Political Action Committee, Sanjay Puri, stated that the Obama Campaign was “engaging in the worst kind of anti-Indian American stereotyping.” Of course, Obama denied any hand in the racist document put out by his campaign.
3. Corrupt Buddies: Tony Rezko, a long time friend and fund-raiser for Obama, was indicted last fall on federal charges that accuse him of demanding kickbacks from companies seeking state business. When asked about his friend, Obama said, “I’ve never done any favors for him.” This turned out to be a lie, as evidence turned up proving that Obama had written letters to city and state officials praising Rezko’s business practices
4. Wal-Mart Ties: While bashing of Wal-Mart’s labor practices in public, Obama has been profiting from their business through the money his wife made as a member of the board of directors for a company that produces food for the mega-corporation.
5. Religious Ties: Is Obama a Muslim? Is he a Christian? Nobody is 100% sure, but it is true that Obama was raised in a Muslim family and at one time attended an Islamic school. He currently claims to be a convert to Christianity, but some are concerned about his Muslim upbringing.
6. Anti-Second Amendment: Obama is one of the most anti-Second Amendment legislators in the country. He supports a ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.
7. Gas-guzzler: Obama might attack American automakers for not making enough environmental friendly automobiles, but when he goes home he drives a gas-guzzling V-8 hemi-powered Chrysler 300.
8. Obama Ringtones: The most annoying campaign tool ever.
9. Obama Girl: I take back what I said about the ringtones. This girl is far more annoying.
10. His Unelectable Name: Barack Hussein Obama, ’nuff said
I believe we are beginning to see the real Barrack Obama. He is a product, as he has said, of the Chicago 'rough' political school. It is a school versed in dirty politics and illegal tactics. I do not believe Senator Obama has done any thing illegal. Certainly not.
Yet repeatedly, since announcing his candidacy, he has struck out at specific people, usually HRC, using passive-aggressive language that is hard to pin down for rebuttal. It's a highly skilled language technique.
He is reportedly Tony Robbins trained, not a bad thing in itself, yet I personally believe he isn't using that training consistently as intended. It can be highly manipulative.
Newt Ginrich was another Robbins trainee who took the training to another level when he went an NLP training facility for a number of weeks. It served him well. It didn't serve the USA well but it got him to a majority in Congress.
Brilliant when reading a speech from a teleprompter, and appearing to be extemporaneous, Obama fumbled a number of times in earlier debates. I watched on pre-primary debate with a cowboy buddy. (A real cowboy...not a line-dancer.)
He turned to me at one point and said, "Isn't he the one that supposed to speak really well?" "Yep.", I said.
He replied that he couldn't understand how Obama got the reputation as he was doing so poorly. Interesting comment from a man who thinks all politicians are crooks.
Senator Obama has now shifted to direct, angry attacks whenever he's confronted by his own comments, votes or record. (Another trait that Robbins would not condone.) Sorry, but Obama did glorify Ronald Reagan, a man I admired as a man and despised as a Governor and President, and the 'transformative' movement he 'created'. [In fact that 'movement' had been in the works for many years by powers behind the Republican party. Reagan inherited the decades of work of others.]
If Obama can be so rattled in a relatively supportive setting what will he do when he doesn't have a substantial majority in either House and is confronted with a Republican threat to shut down the government yet again? Bill Clinton called their bluff and let them shut down the government. The Republicans were roundly 'booed' by the American public and that action led to fracturing of the Republican majority and the retirement of Newt Ginrich. That's just one topic.
What about the nuclear threat in Pakistan and India? Can he handle that kind of pressure? Standing up to conflicting decisions that have substantial impact far beyond the original action is one strength needed in a President. George Bush has shown us exactly what happens when a President has to rely on advisers to program his answers.We do not need another President that needs that much help.
What happens when Obama learns that the world isn't a happy place waiting to reconcile and join hands? What happens then he learns that rhetoric won't move Pakistan, Afghanistan, Israel or the Palestinians?
Those subjects need cold hard analysis with an eye to the consequence of actions. Then the President has to be aware of the consequence of that consequence etc. Thinking 4-5 steps ahead of the action helps lead to effective original choices.
Could Barrack Obama stand up to that kind of pressure with grace and strength? He hasn't shown that to us yet.
I would like to see both John Edwards, HRC and Senator Obama be equipped with exact dates, times and places conflicts in the debate.
Obama does seems to change interpretations when it's in his best interest. Perhaps that's a mis-perception on my part. I think, however, that they aren't allowed to bring notes to the podium. Too bad it would serve everyone better including Senator Obama.
After Mr. and Mrs. Fenton retired, Mrs. Fenton insisted her husband accompany her on her trips to Wal-Mart. Unfortunately, Mr. Fenton was like most men-he found shopping boring and preferred to get in, and get out.
Equally unfortunately, Mrs .Fenton was like most women, she loved to browse. One day Mrs. Fenton received the following letter from the local Wal-Mart.
Dear Mrs. Fenton,
Over the past six months, your husband has been causing quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and may be forced to ban both of you from the store.
Our complaints against Mr. Fenton are listed below and are documented by our surveillance cameras.
1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they weren't looking.
2. July 2: Set all alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.
3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women's restroom.
4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice, 'Code 3 in Housewares--Get on it right away!'
5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M&M's on layaway.
6. September 14: Moved a 'CAUTION-WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
7. September 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told other shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department.
8. September 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began crying and screamed,'Why can't you people just leave me alone?'
9. October 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as mirror while he picked his nose.
10. November 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.
11. December 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the Mission Impossible' theme.
12. December 6: In the auto department, he practiced his 'Madonna look' by using different sizes of funnels.
13. December 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed through, yelled 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'
14. December 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed a fetal position and screamed 'OH NO! IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!'
and last, but not least---
15. December 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, then yelled very loudly,'Hey! There's no toilet paper in here!'
No steering wheel, you drive it with a joystick. No pedals either. Can you drive with a joystick? Your kids and grand kids probably can. The influence of video games in our lives has really arrived, wouldn't ya say? SCARY THOUGHT THAT NOW A 7 YEAR OLD COULD STEAL YOUR CAR AND PROBABLY DRIVE IT BETTER THAN YOU